Blonde Maintenance

Trust me, your hair is blonde. I know we all tell our clients not to wash their hair every day. Which is actually a good piece of advice. 

Our hair does in fact dry out after being chemically treated. Our scalp contains natural oils which is of great aid for our hair. Our clients should also be aware that after a few days, your hair will collect build up along the way. This can be due to product build up, air pollution, dead skin cells, and much more. 

With that being said, your blonde can look duller and darker than it really is. We recommend on wash day, to shampoo 2 times. You will truly be amazed on how your hair went from dull and dark to light and bright. Even if we ourselves don’t notice the difference, trust me others will. You might even receive a compliment or two or the beautiful question, “did you color your hair??” 

You may be wondering, “how can I perform blonde maintenance at home?” Well to start off, get yourself a purple shampoo. A big myth is that purple shampoo will lighten your hair. However, that depends IF your hair is light enough and IF your hair is not too porous. Let’s say you have orange and yellow tones in your blonde… It will not make them completely go away but more help cancel out those tones. To get to a desired blonde step in the salon and let us help! 😊 

Another side note, if your hair is overly porous from chemical damage you will REALLY see those violet tones. Porous hair tends to hold onto cool pigments and will make it look purple.

Aside from the maintenance at home, keeping your blonde looking bright, we recommend coming in every 4-6 weeks for a toner. These are usually between your color service appointments. If you have been abusing your hair with unrealistic expectations, we ALWAYS recommend coming in for an olaplex treatment. Olaplex is so amazing. They have many take home products so you can continue treatment at home. We fortunately sell it at our salon as well! Steps #1 and #2 provide the repair damaged hair needs. When getting a hair service done, olaplex can be added in. 

Overall, maintaining blonde hair can be a challenge, but it can be done! Hopefully after reading this, you found tips you can use!